Thurgau: Projekte für die Stillen Zonen / Thurgau: Projects for the Quiet Zones
Thurgau: Projekte für die Stillen Zonen / Thurgau: Projects for the Quiet Zones

Since 2005, the publication Switzerland: An Urban Portrait by ETH Studio Basel has provoked controversial reactions and far-reaching discussions about Switzerland's self-image. The Foundation Think Tank Thurgau defines its mission as to reflect on future issues in the Canton of Thurgau. The think tank invited ETH Studio Basel to refine its Swiss portrait by developing urban perspectives for Thurgau. For Studio Basel, this was an opportunity to test existing potentials and propositions through concrete projects. The study focused on the so-called quiet zones—territories for which only fuzzy contours of future development were shown in the Swiss portrait—but which play a central role for Thurgau and its identity.


Thurgau: Projekte für die Stillen Zonen

Edited by

ETH Studio Basel, Think Tank Thurgau

Texts by

Mathias Gunz, Christian Müller Inderbitzin

Published by

Niggli Verlag, 2008


304 pages, ca. 192 images

16.7 x 16.7 cm


Out of print