This website is conceived, developed and executed in order to make a selection of ETH Studio Basel's publications available online as open access. This valuable public archive, which also includes the documentation of design research studios over the years, offers a detailed insight into the research and pedagogy of ETH Studio Basel between 1999 und 2018.
Concept and Direction:
Christian Schmid, Urban Sociology, ETH Zurich D-ARCH
Milica Topalović, Architecture of Territory, ETH Zurich D-ARCH
Design and Programming:
Bänziger Hug
Content and Editing:
Dorothee Hahn, Architecture of Territory
Nancy Couling, Architecture of Territory
with assistance from Martin Kohlberger
Public Launch:
Evelyne Gordon
Nitin Bathla
Martin Kohlberger
Qianer Zhu
Jan Westerheide
ETH Zurich Department of Architecture
LUS Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies
NSL Network City and Landscape
Chairs Urban Sociology and Architecture of Territory
ZAZ Bellerive Zentrum Architektur Zürich